Wednesday, August 16, 2023 – 7 p.m.
Directors present: Henry Hooker, Bruce Johnson, Ward Marshall, Rod McRae, John Nasgovitz,
Brian Peterson, Mark St. Sauver
Absent: Mike Bonner, Mitch Jones
Meeting recorded by Barbara Hammons
Meeting held at Hammons’ residence
Rod called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes for the meeting held July 8, 2023, were approved with one correction: In the paragraph titled “Market pricing this year,” the line referring to cull sales to Red Lodge should read “25 cents a pound.”
Minutes for the meeting held July 14, 2023, were approved as submitted.
Budget update – Jan-July distributed to directors.
Checking account balance as of 8/16/23: $71,604.92
WFCU balances as of 7/1/23: Regular account $5,763.93
TT security deposit $5,383.30
Moving monies to a CD discussed. Rod suggested depositing $25,000 into a CD for approximately six months, at the best rate available. Upon motion duly made by Ward Marshall, seconded by Henry Hooker, and unanimously approved, directors agreed that $25,000 will be moved into a CD for approximately six months, at the best rate available. First Interstate’s rates will be checked. Barbara will take care of it.
Letter from Monson to satisfy crop insurance – Henry reported that the adjusters are not in agreement on the new underwriting laws that have changed this year. He suggested it’s up to the adjusters to ask Monson for the letter that they need to process claims.
Warehouse – Mark
Hydrocooler removal – Rod suggested we have the money to do the hydrocooler project and that it should be done. Bryan Zimmerman and Roberto Zavala will be contacted to for a price to do the job. Finishing the painting of the warehouse will be put off for now.
USDA Visitors – Bruce and Ward – met with new USDA risk management people. The visitors didn’t know much about cherry farming and were appropriately briefed on the subject. Directors suggested the new people will be good future contacts for USDA risk management policies.
Topic for next meeting – moving board meetings to earlier in the day will be discussed, especially during winter months.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.