Wednesday, February 15, 2023 – 7 p.m.
Directors present: Mike Bonner, Bruce Johnson, Henry Hooker, John Nasgovitz, Mark St. Sauver
Absent: Mitch Jones, Ward Marshall, Brian Peterson, Rod McRae
Guest: Brian Campbell
Meeting recorded by Barbara Hammons
Meeting held at Hammons’ residence
Mark called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes for the meeting held October 19, 2022, were approved.
Checking account balance as of 2/22/23: $102,638.57
WFCU balances: Regular account $5,700.23
TT security deposit $5,323.90
Budget update Jan–Dec 2022 distributed.
Mark asked if anyone had any questions about the budget. Suggestions made on transferring some money from checking account into some type of interest-bearing account. Discussion on setting aside funds for a bad year; in years past around $50,000 was kept in WFCU as a cushion. Budget for 2023 to be discussed at next meeting when Mitch is available.
Mark – Fisher Paint LLC – painting of warehouse. Mark described the areas to be painted and the type of paint to be used. The bid is for $13,504. Directors felt it was a good price for the extent of the area. A motion was made but set aside briefly for a question raised by Bruce concerning the hydrocooler removal project and whether it also would be scheduled for this year as it would be two expensive projects.
Mark explained the options for dealing with the old hydrocooler, moving it and if so, to where, and disposal of scrap metal. Bryan Zimmerman will likely be contacted to cut out the equipment and scrap metal will be sold to Pacific Steel. A bid from Zimmerman has not been received yet; a rough estimate might be $7000 to $10,000, but doesn’t include other cleanup work that might be involved. Discussion morphed to coordinating projects with Tabletree because of their food safety programs and inspections. Mark reported on discussions with Gussie of Tabletree with regard to working around an “unscheduled” food safety audit that Tabletree is subject to possibly in March.
After continued discussion and upon motion duly made by John Nasgovitz, seconded by Mike Bonner, and unanimously approved, directors agreed to the bid for painting areas of the warehouse by Fisher Painting LLC in the amount of $13,504.00.
Brian Campbell – In answer to a request for applicator credits at the spring meeting, Brian reported that to get certification from the State, the agenda and information about the speaker and topics had to be submitted 30 days in advance for approval. Depending on speakers, if they speak anything about pesticide use, spray application, or spray use in general, the most we could get out of it is one or two credits. Presentation must be by a qualified agent. A class for up to six credits will be available in October according to new Lake County Extension Agent, David Brink.
Spring Meeting topics discussed – Ryan Wilbur from Fish & Game is ready to be a speaker. Dr. Jerry Bromenshenk from UofM re honeybees has been lined up. Other topics might be bird control/damage, and general horticultural topics, soils, ground covers, pollination, etc. Brian is continuing his search for a keynote speaker. Another idea was to bring back Norm Gutswiler; Brian will contact him. (He has presented at past spring meetings in 2010, 2012, and 2015.) April 15 is the preferred date.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.