Wednesday, October 19, 2022 – 7 p.m.
Directors present: Bruce Johnson, Mitch Jones, Ward Marshall, Rod McRae, Mark St. Sauver
Absent: Mike Bonner, Henry Hooker, John Nasgovitz, Brian Peterson
Guest: Brian Campbell
Meeting recorded by Barbara Hammons
Meeting held at Hammons’ residence
Rod called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes for the meeting held September 17, 2022, were approved.
Checking account balance as of 10/19/22: $56,883.52
(Of this balance, $12,785.75 is culls payment from TT and will be distributed to members.)
WFCU balances: Regular account $5,643.33
TT security deposit $5,270.76
Budget update Jan–Sep 2022 distributed.
Payment for culls from three other buyers will be coming as soon as trucking costs are determined.
Harvest expenses – cooler shut off Monday, October 17. TT took 55 bins of cherries to the dump. TT will sanitize and clean the bins prior to pick up by Monson’s trucker and will pay shipping costs to Washington.
Rod reported that the MVP bill was higher than anticipated due to overage in power usage estimates for cooling equipment. Will be rectified next year.
Rod – Tabletree – lease payment to go up 3% retroactive to July 1 of this year.
Cooler removal from the plant. Sale of the scrap metal is being considered. Rod also reported that the old chiller system might be moved from the back of the plant to be closer to the hydrocooler out front. According to Monson’s representative, the rented chiller and tank can be relocated to the front of the warehouse.
Rod will meet with Monson the end of October to discuss industry charges and the contract which will be in its last year in 2023.
Rod and Comfort Systems – Comfort Systems finally figured out the glitches. Rod noted only one compressor should be running at a time but the current setup always runs both compressors adding to the power cost. This will be resolved next year. They are due to close up the system the end of this week.
Surcharge for 2022 – Directors discussed the surcharge, other income sources, and potential expenses. Upon motion duly made by Mitch Jones, seconded by Bruce Johnson, and unanimously approved, directors set this year’s crop surcharge at .02 per gross pound.
PMA and Jack Stivers’ retirement – Bruce questioned whether Jack’s arrangement with the County regarding PMA follow up of orchards will transfer to the new extension agent. Jack is commonly referred to as the Lake County Extension Agent but he refers to himself as the MSU agent. Bruce will call Jack and discuss the situation.
Brian Campbell – Brian reported on a conversation with a tribal fish and game agent who would like to do an education program on bear management geared toward cherry orchards. Brian will try to line her up to speak at the spring meeting.
Brian also reported he will attend the January cherry growers meeting in Washington and will look for speakers for the spring meeting.
The subject of sharing pruning workers and finding housing for them came up. Some discussion followed but no decision made.
No meeting in November. The next meeting will be in December; date to be determined.