Wednesday, April 19, 2023 – 7 p.m.
Directors present: Bruce Johnson, Mitch Jones, Ward Marshall, Rod McRae, John Nasgovitz, Brian Peterson, Mark St. Sauver
Absent: Mike Bonner, Henry Hooker
Meeting recorded by Barbara Hammons
Meeting held at Hammons’ residence
Rod called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes for the meeting held March 15, 2023, were approved.
Checking account balance as of 4/18/23: $101,837.24
WFCU balances: Regular account $5,700.23
TT security deposit $5,323.90
Moving funds into a CD discussed. Various options considered. Mitch will look into the best CD deal for the co-op; First Interstate and WFCU will also be checked.
Discussion of budget for 2023. Unused line items will be deleted; a few will be adjusted to cover current costs. Upon motion duly made by Mark St. Sauver, seconded by Ward Marshall, and unanimously approved, the directors accepted the 2023 budget as discussed. An updated budget will be distributed at the next meeting.
Rod – Spring meeting summary. Income $2110; expenses $4038. Expense breakdown: Speaker fees $700; hotel $418; mileage for speaker $555.44; caterer $2065; misc breakfast, water, etc. $300.
Directors felt the meeting went well; agenda and speakers were interesting. Bernardita Sallato has a link to the material she covered which can be made available to members.
Dave Brink, Mineral/Lake County extension agent, arranged for several attendees to receive applicator credits for attending the meeting. Brian Campbell was thanked for emceeing and putting the meeting together.
Rod – Red Lodge Ales agreement has been signed.
Fisher Painting bid accepted; painting start date depends on temperature in the warehouse.
Mark – warehouse – main issue is to let TT know when warehouse repairs (painting and hydrocooler removal) are scheduled so they can remove their product from the area.
Ward Marshall – FSA Report – Ward discussed at length options available through USDA/FSA revenue loss programs, PARP and ERP, and also expense reimbursement through the Food Safety Certification program. Information will be made available to members via a Quickcom message.
Quickcom message to be sent to members re FA/CPR, boxes, date for shareholders meeting, and Rod’s Lapins.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Next meeting will be May 17.