How To Find Your Perfect U-Pick Pricing Structure
This article is written by Christina Herrick for the magazine “Growing Produce” August 2015 issue and details what some u-pick growers do regarding their u-pick practices
Cherry Cracking Susceptibility Test
Download this easy test to see just how much your cherries are susceptible to cracking before picking your entire crop—especially if you have had recent rain.
Improve Your Cherry Growing Skills
Washington State University–Walla Walla county extension has published a two page information report titled “backyard cherry trees”. You can download a PDF file copy by clicking on the following download.
Download “Backyard Cherry Trees” Now
Test For Fruit Fly Larvae In Your Cherries
….You can test for fruit fly larvae in your orchard’s cherries by doing one of two simple tests.
Download Fruit Fly Larvae Test Now
Why We Should Destroy Bitter Cherry Trees !
“By Tom Lawrence, FLCG Fruit Fly Expert” (April 2007)
…This shrub/tree is a source of the cherry fruit fly and very common in the Flathead Valley between Woods Bay and lower Blue Bay.
The History Of The Flathead Lake Cherry Growers
….The History of FLCG has been made available, with the permission of The Bigfork Eagle Newspaper, from their copyrighted publication titled “Flathead Lake, From Glaciers To Cherries” By R.C. Robbin.
You can download this entire chapter outlining The History Of THE FLATHEAD LAKE CHERRY GROWERS.
Once Downloaded You Can View, Store Or Print It.