Wednesday, June 21, 2023 – 7 p.m.
Directors present: Mike Bonner, Henry Hooker, Bruce Johnson, Mitch Jones, Ward Marshall,
John Nasgovitz, Mark St. Sauver
Absent: Rod McRae, Brian Peterson
Meeting recorded by Barbara Hammons
Meeting held at Hammons’ residence
Mark called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes for the meeting held May 17, 2023, were approved.
Budget update – Jan-May distributed to directors.
Checking account balance as of 6/21/23: $84,014.78
WFCU balances: Regular account $5,700.23
TT security deposit $5,323.90
Mark – Warehouse insurance – the $6717 premium is due July 1. Directors agreed it should be paid. The premium increased by $766; a different insurance company may be investigated over the year.
Moving monies to a CD discussed. John offered to look into options; decision will be made later.
Xtreme Pest Control – total monthly charge decreased by $40 since the first month’s billing. The monthly billing is still higher than last year. John looked into another pest control company and while it was lower per month than Xtreme, the overall savings weren’t enough to change providers at this time. Next year John’s suggestion will be considered. Pest control is required May through October; Xtreme was authorized in May to provide the service this year.
Mark – Hydrocooler removal – will stay as is for this harvest; couldn’t get anyone to remove the current system in time. Bill Delmore will look into setting up a different water system for next year.
Mark – warehouse – painting of two rooms completed. The main room wasn’t painted because Tabletree was not able to move their storage out of the area in time. The original quote ($13,504) did not cover the main room; this section will be an additional expense and will likely be scheduled in the fall.
3 Directors named to be Monson’s contacts in case of harvest problems:
Ward – Rod – Mark
Harvest predictions: Variable throughout the area but for sure two to three weeks early. July 15 likely to be start date for some orchards. Washington is later making it likely that both harvest times will overlap to some extent..
Box Order – an extra pallet will be available for late orders.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.