Wednesday, May 17, 2023 – 7 p.m.
Directors present: Bruce Johnson, Ward Marshall, Rod McRae, John Nasgovitz, Brian Peterson
Absent: Mike Bonner, Henry Hooker, Mitch Jones, Mark St. Sauver
Guests: Brian Campbell; representatives from Stockman Bank/Stockman Insurance
Meeting recorded by Barbara Hammons
Meeting held at Hammons’ residence
Four representatives from Stockman Bank/Stockman Insurance were introduced before the regular meeting was called to order. The representatives discussed their roles within Stockman, the bank’s background, and offerings by the Stockman Insurance agency. Multi-peril coverage as it applies to cherries was addressed specifically. Discussion followed. Agency representatives left literature and contact information. Rod and Ward had taken the visitors on an orchard tour prior to the meeting.
Rod called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes for the meeting held April 19, 2023, were approved.
Budget update – Jan-April budget reflecting the budget as discussed and approved at last month’s meeting was distributed to directors.
Moving monies to a CD – options discussed. Decision will be made later.
Checking account balance as of 5/17/23: $98,462.22
WFCU balances: Regular account $5,700.23
TT security deposit $5,323.90
Expense increases noted: Xtreme Pest Control total monthly charge increased to $278; last year it was $189. (A monthly increase of $89.) Services include mice bait and outside pest control, May through October. Increase seems unreasonable. John offered to check with the person he uses to see if he can get a better price. Services are just for perimeter of the building; nothing inside.
Rod – Warehouse – hydrocooler removal – Rod reported that Roberto Zavala is not able to do the removal at this time. It was decided to put the project off until the fall.
Painting – Rod described the work being done by the painter to ready the building and the painting project in general. He also detailed the repair work performed by Bill in various areas throughout the building.
Plumbing the water tank that will replace the current tank will be discussed when Mark is available. This project will also be put off until the fall.
TT’s latest award was announced via Quickcom to members.
Bruce – Montana Business Quarterly is doing a story on revenue to the state from Montana co-ops. Bruce participated in the interview and arranged an orchard tour for the article.
Shareholders/Preharvest Meeting date set for July 8 – at the Yellow Bay Clubhouse – agenda as in the past
FLCG board meeting to elect officers will follow, as usual.
Aaron’s Group Pre-Audit to follow preharvest meeting. Directors discussed the idea. Rod will call Aaron to discuss further – he will also ask if a group pre-audit will reduce Monson’s GAP charge to the co-op.
Brian C. – Harvest prediction. Crop looks good so far. July 20 could be beginning of harvest. Too early to tell for sure.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.