Wednesday, September 20, 2023 – 7 p.m.
Directors present: Mike Bonner, Henry Hooker, Bruce Johnson, Mitch Jones, Ward Marshall, Rod McRae, John Nasgovitz,
Absent: Brian Peterson, Mark St. Sauver
Meeting recorded by Barbara Hammons
Meeting held at Hammons’ residence
Rod called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes were approved for the meeting held August 16, 2023.
Budget update – Jan-August distributed to directors.
Checking account balance as of 9/20/23: $48,881.35
Glacier Bank CD: $25,000
WFCU balances as of 7/1/23: Regular account $5,763.93
TT security deposit $5,383.30
Rod – 2023 Processing Surcharge – to be determined at next meeting.
Harvest discussion –
– timing of pricing notification to growers; subject discussed here and again later in the meeting.
– complications of Montana box program; not enough fruit this year to qualify. Subject discussed again sometime later in the meeting. Discussion only; no resolution.
– the effect of crop insurance availability on fruit delivery decisions by growers. Complexity of crop insurance discussed again later in the meeting. No resolution.
Directors felt an in-person meeting with all directors and Monson representatives should take place after final receipts are received. The closing due date is October 31. Rod will develop a discussion list based on questions raised in board meetings. Date to be set.
Brian Campbell – reported on a conversation with Rod Riggs: California fruit still being sold on June 23. Brian suggested earlier spring meeting just for members and addressing only horticulture issues, pricing, how to determine whether to pick, marketing of co-op fruit, etc. More discussion followed on this year’s pricing, marketing, picking options, etc. Some directors didn’t feel the spring meeting needed to be restricted to members only.
More crop insurance discussion followed. A special insurance meeting for growers hosted by an insurance company suggested to explain options.
Discussion followed on powdery mildew; conversation too unclear to record. Significant information needs to be in writing for members.
Brian will not mow the grounds in the future; someone to be hired to mow and also to spray the noxious weeds that have overrun the area.
Board meeting time change for winter – 3:00 p.m. as of October 18.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.